Olive Ergo

In 1896, our great grandfather, Papa-Apostolis, the village clergyman, created the first olive press using only stones and fiber mats in mountainous Messinia. Having grown up among the olive trees , he was fond of the intense taste and distinct aroma of high-quality olive oil. Today, we the Anagnostopoulos family, proudly embody the same passion and respect for authentic Greek extra virgin olive oil. We continue to produce an olive oil that comes from the fertile Messinian soil, all while embracing the dedication of the locals who reside there.

One & Olive holds precious secrets carried through 5 generations and carefully kept for more than 120 years. Since 1896, their family blends the fruits of Messinia’s countryside with the family values they have inherited: philotimo (love of honor), love, dedication, hard work, dignity, loyalty and unity. 

They introduce One & Olive and Greek olive oil to the community of gastronomy similar to a bottle of wine, which has a special treatment, storage and presentation, while it is also combined based on the dishes presented. One & Olive can be used as a basic ingredient of a Mediterranean meal, haute cuisine and cocktails.   

One & Olive also focuses on its design and the symbolisms of the human factor, Greek countryside and history of art. Inspired by Cycladic art, the bottle depicts a person, symbolizing all those who contributed in the production of this unique product and the notion for the feeling of completion that one has after a hard day of creation. Turning the logo counter-clockwise we see read “ONE”. they also want to depict the colors of the Greek countryside: white – the waves and the painted olive tree barks | Green – the olives and the olive tree leaves.  

Their main differentiation is their innovative production method. Specifically, One & Olive offers a pioneering method internationally, which replaces the traditional malaxation method. This new process provides a guaranteed quality, minimizing the contact with oxygen and guaranteeing the accuracy of the process.  

This innovative process lasts just 30 seconds vs the 60 minute duration of the traditional process (malaxation). The total production time has been limited to 14 minutes vs. 90-100 minutes (84 – 86% reduction). With this method, they also preserve energy and water, respecting nature and promoting the sustainable development for the future generations.  

With just a drop of One & Olive you will taste the warm Greek sun, the salty breeze between the leaves and the fruitful earth nurturing the Koroneiki olives. With a drop of One & Olive your senses and creativity will be awaken.